This post was inspired by the amazing cover done by Tank of the Bonnie Raitt's classic "I Cant Make You Love Me", heard the song for the first time at a friends apartment and the lyrics were beautifully sung and painfully true.
You can't make someone one love you no matter how much you try, love is still a mystery. it can't be manufactured, it can't be created, and contrary to belief it can't be bought either.
Its great pain to love someone when you know they don't love you back, you have this conviction that you are good for them, that you'll be true, and loyal and honest and be the best thing there have ever true as this may be you can't make them see that, they have to see this on their own. Unfortunately a lot of times they never do and you are stuck with memories and well crafted images of the "what ifs".
In situations like this the best thing to do is to let it go, it would hurt and it would seem like your world is falling apart, but it would hurt much more if you stay and get your feelings thrown in your face daily.
You need to be with someone who would see and love you for you, their sun would rise and set in your eyes, nothing and no one can replace you, and on the scale of 1-10 in importance you are 20, you are the first person they want to share the good/bad with (not Twitter or BB their very existence is enhanced, completed and is meaningful cause you are there, someone who would tell you "baby, when all my dreams come through, you're the one i want standing by my side".
Love like the one God Has for us, irrespective of what you've done, where you are coming from, where you are heading, and what your future holds, its there, its sure and its true
Never Settle...
Tank - I Can't Make You Love Me
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